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Second edition of SHRF

11th March 2023 | French Institute


Stephanie Petitbon

First counsellor, French Embassy in Bulgaria 

Krum Zarkov

Minister of Justice

Simon van Der Burg

Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 

Att. Denitsa Lyubenova

LGBTI Organisation Deystvie

Panel I

Anna Velikova and Kalina Slavova

Foundation for Access to Rights


Att. Maria Sharkova

„Sharkova and partners“ attorney company

„Because I am a woman“

Animari Dimitrova

Association Rusalya

„School of Arts and Crafts for Socially Disadvantaged Children“

Felizitas Lichtenberg

Global Head of D&I at SumUp

„Why Diversity & Inclusion matters?“

Panel II

Sofia Ivanova

Foundation Podarete kniga

„There was a (gift of) time“

Yuliya Georgieva

Centre for humane policy, Rozovata kushta

„The war on drugs and the Pink house“

Madlena Komitova

Kuratorium Wiener Pensionisten-Wohnhäuser (KWP)

„All in for life - having active and meaningful living - prerequisites for a good and healthy society!“

Panel III

Manol Peykov

Publishing house „Janet 45“

„To mobilize millions“

Alain Parmentier

President of the European LGBT Police Association 'EGPA' 

„The Police : LGBTIQ+ Allies“

Accompanying events

Documentary film screening of  „Freedom is an Action“

Producer: Tanuki Films

Director: Anna Stoeva

Cinematographer: Ivan Nikolov

"Statelessness" Anna Velikova and Kalina Slavova

"Statelessness" Anna Velikova and Kalina Slavova

Anna Velikova has been an information expert at the Foundation for Access to Rights since 2022. Her interest in human rights was awakened after participating in several PHAR trainings - Defend and Action Research. After these, Anna realized that human rights was something she would like to do and became an intern at the Access to Rights Foundation. With the start of the full-scale war in Ukraine, she is part of the team and has been actively helping Ukrainian refugees for almost a year. She created a Telegram channel, aimed directly at the Ukrainian community, as well managing the platform - Being a Ukrainian native speaker, Anna volunteered to translate part of the content of the educational platform created within the KIDS4ALL project. ​ Anna Velikova holds a bachelor's degree in "International Relations" from Sofia University, and is currently pursuing a double master's degree in EU Law at the University of Nancy and Sofia University. In addition, a huge part of her activity is voluntary initiatives, which she implements together with the Multi-Cult collective, for which she is the winner of the national award "Volunteer of the Year 2022". Kalina Slavova has been working at the Foundation for Access to Rights for more than a year and is an alumni of the organization from the ActionR training. She is a legal assistant to the PHAR lawyers in Sofia a researcher on the COMP4SEE project, which examines alternative methods for the legal reception and integration of refugees, as well as a translator of educational materials for the KIDS4ALLL project. Outside of PHAR, she is a student at Sofia University, majoring in law. She participates in the Circle of International Public Law at Sofia University and chairs the club of the Bulgarian Youth Red Cross. She is also one of the contestants in the Sofia University team in the All-European International Humanitarian and Refugee Law Moot Court competition, organized by the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, where the Bulgarian team took second place.
Q+A Panel 1

Q+A Panel 1

0:15 Анна Великова и Калина Славова: Има ли случаи да бъде отказана спешна медицинска помощ на хора без гражданство в България? 02:21 Адв. Мария Шаркова: Има ли успешно доказани случаи на агресия от страна на лекари и по какъв начин се справяте в производството когато има случаи на отричане от страна на целия медицински екип, как се доказват такива случаи? 04:20 Адв. Мария Шаркова: Дали сте губили дело, в което справедливостта е предполагала на спечелите? 05:38 Адв. Мария Шаркова: Към кого биха могли да се обърнат жени, които са с по-ниско образование и дори не говорещи български когато смятат, че са жертва на насилие в процеса на получаване на медицинска помощ? 07:09 Анимари Димитрова: Дали децата, с които работите са само от региона на с. Русаля? 08:29 Анимари Димитрова: Колко педагози работят при вас - повече професионалисти или ентусиасти? 09:23 Анимари Димитрова: Бихте ли разказали някоя впечатляваща история на дете от вашата общност? 12:06 Felizitas Lichtenberg: Can you tell us more how do you address Neurodiversity? 13:50 Felizitas Lichtenberg: What is the process on deciding on you D & I goals and strategies? 18:41 Felizitas Lichtenberg: Do you face any specific obstacles here in Bulgaria? How the local and international private sector and the business could be change-driver in conservative societies such as Bulgarian society?


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